My, that would be a long title for a blog if completely spelled out. It is the West Coast Kustom Cruisin' Car Show. Just so ya' know!!! My mother wrote to me about the 'parade' of old cars. She said she can remember when they were new!!! She loves the way some folks are committed to taking care of them, the time, effort . . . not to mention money! Enjoy these.
Rare 1956 Continental Mark II.
This is a 1956 Chevy two-door.
This 1936 Ford is an iconic early hot rod from the 1040s, recently found and restored.
An outstanding example of a typical Model A Ford hot rod roadster.
A 1964 Buick built in the 1960s style while the car in the background is a 1949 Ford, another iconic custom car from the 1950s recently found and restored.
Classic 1956 Chevy Nomad.
A 1953 Buick.
Both the 1932 Ford and the 1936 Ford are cars from the past recently restored.
Full view of the 1956 Continental Mark II.
This is a 1953 Cadillac done in a classic leadsled style. So, I ask Tom, "What does leadsled mean?" It refers to the choice of body filler. In the past they used melted lead. Now they use 'Bondo' body filler. Just guessing it is easier with Bondo.
Pristine example of a 1935 Ford street rod coupe
A 1950 Chevrolet coupe with chopped top.
A 1936 Packard coupe.
Tom's ride to the show. This is Jerry's 1964 Galaxie. It has the paint job that Tom applied to it in 1964. Jerry bought it for himself for his 20th birthday and asked Tom to paint it with three color blend of transparent blue, green and purple. It won best paint award at the World of Wheels Show in Kansas City in 1966. It had been in storage since 1972 and Jerry just recently got it out to restore it. Paint job has held up well!!!
Classic 1932 Ford Deuce Roadster.
This is 'the' classic leadsled, a much lowered and chopped 1950 Mercury. Kinda sexy in my opinion!!
Hot rodded Cadillac motor powering in an early model Ford hot rod.
A Buick V8 powering a Model A roadster, done in the style of a 1960s-built showrod. This stuff gets rather technical and Tom appreciates the nuance . . . I just like the color a lot and like the way it pays attention to detail such as painting the inside of the carburetor induction scoops (that is why they call it a showrod).
"Show is over. Let's go home!
Tom is blessed with great friends. These are friends he has made over his lifetime, many of them going back decades. He stays in touch, nurtures those relationships. Many of his friends appreciate the older cars, restore them, show them off and invite him to come along. This was such a trip. There will be more. His photography of these events is becoming more and more appreciated by a wider audience. He has successfully blended one interest with another. Hard to beat that!!