Several years Tom and I drove through Yellowstone in just one day. I was not impressed. It appeared to be just one huge area filled with steaming ‘blisters’, rotting eggs and danger. When we returned this past spring I was determined to better understand why everyone else loved the first National Park. After 4 full days photographing the park, I get it!! I was joined for two of those days by Diane Kaiser, a wonderful and experienced photo-friend.
The resources to better understand and appreciate Yellowstone are abundant and easily accessible so I will not offer much more here. Rather, enjoy some randomized images of the days spent walking in one of the most amazing places on this planet.
Firehole River Loop
Yellowstone National Park is actually an active supervolcano.
Firehole River Loop
While one does not see volcanic eruptions of a traditional nature, the bubbling geysers and hot springs are an indication of the churning activity below the surface
Porcelain Geyser Basin
Norris Back Geyser Basin
Mammoth Springs Upper Loop
Porcelain Geyser Basin
Mammoth Upper Loop
Porcelain Geyser Basin
Old Faithful
Porcelain Geyser Basin
Norris Back Geyser Basin
Porcelain Geyser Basin
Wooden path in parts of Norris Back Geyser Basin.
Norris Back Geyser Basin
Mammoth Travertine Terraces
Close up of Mammoth Travertine Terraces. Notice water dripping from the icicle features.
Mammoth Upper Loop
Porcelain Geyser Basin
You may be wondering where are the photographs of Prismatic Springs? We took so many interesting photographs in just that one site that I am dedicating one blog to just that incredible photogenic site. Stay tuned.