With just a day to get in some Washington DC time we decided to take the Metro to the Mall and check out a couple of Smithsonian museums. We hoped to get to the Vietnam Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, perhaps a photograph of Congress, and the Washington Memorial. We got it all in! The real draw, however, was the photography display at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History of the 2017 Windham Smith Rice winners. Enjoy the sights while comfortably cool in your recliner (hint: we walked A LOT).
The Mall was very crowded. People commented to us that the weather had been terrible all week and people were ready to 'get out'.
A huge crowd outside the Lincoln Memorial.
More crowded inside the Memorial.
Ceiling tile at the Lincoln Memorial.
A compressed image taken from Lincoln's Memorial across the mall, putting the Washington Memorial in front of the Capitol.
Inside the Smithsonian Castle is an interactive 'map' of the Mall and the locations of all the Smithsonian Museums.
In honor of James Smithson, founder of the Smithsonian Institute.
There were long lines at all of the museums. Entry into any of the museums is free, but everyone goes through a security check that rivals the TSA check points, but without the body scanners.
This is a photograph of a Northern Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes moseleyi) at Kidney Point in the Falkland Islands. It was taken by Denise Ippolito from Brielle, NJ. Canon 7D Mark II; 70-200mm f2.8 IS II USM lens; 2x III extender at 400mm; 1/640 sec at f7.1; ISO 500; hand held.
I smiled while thinking of Jiwa. This is a Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii), living in Bali, Indonesia. The photograph was taken by Andrew Nuryono of Surabaya, Indonesia. Nikon D300; 70-300mm f2.8G ED VR lens at 160mm; 1-500 sec at f2.8; ISO 400; hand held.
This leopard (panthera pardus) was fishing in the Savuet Channel, Botswana. Image captured by James Giffort of Maun, Botswana. He wrote: "After trying without success for two years, I was determined to capture the remarkable sight of a leopard fishing. Due to poor rains, the previously flowing Savute Channel started to recede rapidly, leaving catfish stranded in isolated pools of water. I got the shot I was after as this female jumped into a muddy pool, plunged her head deep into the water and emerged clasping a writhing fish." Canon 1D Mark IV; 500mm f/4L IS II USM lens; I/1250 sec at f/7.1; ISO 400; hand-held with bean bag.
Each museum is different architecturally. They are all wonderful and impressive.
Lobby of the Smithsonian Museum for Natural History.
We walked through the Butterfly Pavilion.
Looking across the Mall at the Smithsonian Castle.
More crowds!! Long lines!! Entry to Museum of Air and Space.
According to the sign next to this display, balloon-inspired hair and clothing were all the rage in the final years of the 18th century. Artisans created jewelry, hats, needle cases, snuff boxes, wall hangings, clocks, furniture and much more to attract they eye and empty the pocketbook of customers.
Then the businessman gets off the plane and has dinner at Hooters!
That explains it!!
At the entrance of the Vietnam Memorial.
An average Coney Dog on a bench along the Mall afforded us lunch, some rest time and a great opportunity to just watch the crowd. You cannot cover even just the Washington DC Mall in one day! We capitalized on the time we had by taking the Metro. That way we did not worry about where to park. We got off the Metro a short block from the Smithsonian Castle. You can ride a bus from one end of the Mall to the other, hop on and off for just a dollar a pop!
Metro Map. We took the Orange route from Vienna to the Mall. it was clean, safe, efficient and pricey (but worth it).