We love to ask local residents where they think we should head off for some photographic adventure. We were parked in Carthage, MO and asked several people that very question. The third time Red Oak II was suggested we knew we just had to check the place out. Red Oak is the dream-come-to-life of Lowell Davis. If you find this interesting, you might want to check out this famous artist and how Red Oak II came about. It is not done yet.
At first glance, as we drove through an open gate, was that this place was an upscale version of Gold Mine and Ghost Town in Jerome. But, it is much more than that.
This is a village in the making. It is a place where the community can come and listen to bluegrass music in front of the church.
Cute little house that was right next to a small stream.
Inside of house above.
Stream by house above.
The whole site is filled with one interesting photographic opportunity after another. There were no crowds, no entrance fees and photographers are welcome.
If you did check out Lowell Davis, you would easily recognize this as his artwork.
This community has a gardening house.
Now, this is how you can design a cheap overhead lighting system.
The car was interesting. The bumper sticker made it photo-worthy!
Lowell was sitting on his front porch and welcomed us over. His friends were with them and we were immediately included as if we had known them for years. He is a rather quiet and introspective individual. He is quite the story teller.
This walkway leads back to Lowell's studio where one can buy some items he has made. No pressure, however. Just go on back and look around!
Hmmmm? This is when I realized that it was time to leave. I was in over-stimulation mode!
We have several hundred more photos of Red Oak II. The locals have it right. If you go to Carthage, you must go to Red Oak II.