There was a Tall Ships Parade as part of the Norfolk Harborfest. Free!!! I envisioned a long line of very tall ships with sails billowing sailing into the harbor. Well, not quite what I imagined but lots of fun nonetheless. The ships approached the harbor outside of our site with their sails out and full of wind. But, an important item to note, they cannot go into the harbor that way as the harbor is too small and very crowded. As they rounded the corner just out of our view they pulled in their sails and in most cases were escorted the rest of the way by tug boats. The other thing I was not expecting was the sheer number of many other kinds of much smaller vessels that moved in and out of the path of much taller ships. It was, at times it seemed, a traffic jam of sea proportions!
Did you know that the Coast Guard had a Tall Ship? Me neither.
We arrived early for our place along the harbor. This allowed us to look around and get our feet 'wet'. Very important for us desert rats to feel at home. The Navy reconditions ships in this part of the harbor. Docked across the way from us was the USS San Antonio.
Tug boats are essential to operating ships in the harbor. These tugs came along and did synchronized turns, almost looking like a three partner dance. They can sure churn up the water!
This must be a 'big boss' tug boat.
Well, I guess this tug gives you a good scrub as it parks you.
If you tired of watching tugs do their thing you could turn around and see lots of other interesting scenes to photograph.
The firefighters led the parade.
Apparently the smaller sailboats were allowed to come into the harbor with their sails out.
This is the Union, a class A Tall Ship from Peru. It was being docked at a right angel to the parade route. Four strong tugs gently pushed in a very coordinated way to get it positioned safely without running into the dock. It was impressive to watch! Over the weekend the ship would be open to tours and visitors. The ship is both a training vessel and an ambassador from Peru.
I think the captain of the Esmeralda, from Chile, runs a tight operation. Look at how nicely wound those sails are! Many navies use Tall Ships to expose their naval cadets to what is commonly referred to as 'sail training' where personal and professional development is fostered. Additionally, teamwork and leadership is stressed.
Perhaps this is the Friday dress code! A bit carefree on securing those sails.
There is a big tug along the front with a smaller tug in the back.
I kept hearing what sounded like canons being fired. I never could accurately tell here the sound was coming from, but I suspect this replica of a Spanish galleon of firing a canon! This is the Galeón Andalucia. Spanish galleons were responsible for linking Asia and the America's with Spain whereby not only trade was fostered but also the exchange of ideas and culture. It was the beginning of globalization.
When I grow up I am going to be a Tall Ship.
Adding color! It looked like so much fun.
The men in the middle are playing musical instruments. We could not hear their band but I bet the folks on board enjoyed the celebration.
It was not until Sheila and Steve got back and looked carefully at there photos that they discovered that there are women up on those sails!!
The last ship of the parade was the USS Bulkeley, a destroyer.
Sheila caught my favorite 'detail' photograph of the day.
In looking up some information about Tall Ships I learned that Tall Ship Parades are held in various ports around the world. The closest one to Phoenix is the upcoming parade sponsored by the Ocean Institute to be held September 8-10 in Dana Point which is in Southern Orange County. You might want to check out that photographic opportunity!