"So, how does this work?" I asked a woman standing next to me in front of a 'bean station'. "Well, each of these pots of beans is cooked by a different team. They started cooking at 7 this morning and will serve them to folks at noon as soon as the winners are announced and the guy over there rings the bell. They cannot serve before then. You can have as many bowls of beans as you dare, stopping at different team's table." The beans and cornbread were free but she warned me that after about 15 minutes all these beans would be gone! In looking at the size of the crowd, I decided I needed to find my starting point and stake out a front row spot. I asked her how she picked her bean 'supplier'. She laughed and told me to go around and ask each team what they put in their beans. "You gotta be careful, cause some of them cook hot and spicy beans. Some of them use ham hocks or other meat." I started making my round, talking to each team.