Rio Grande at Del Norte

After viewing the birthplace of the Rio Grande, overlooking the Weminuche Wilderness, we were excited to be parked right by the banks of the river when we spent one night in Del Norte.  After getting Mellie all set up we walked the edge of the river.  It looked like it was 'plenty full' and large logs were moving quickly downstream.

This gentleman showed up and cast his line (fly fishing).  He was a friendly guy and offered up that he was a stock photographer, edited a fishing magazine and was camped with his Casita (a small RV) just a few spots from us.  He was fishing for large brown trout.  He said it was too early still to catch them as they preferred to eat along the shore but did not like to be seen so they would wait until just before dark to start biting.  He also said the Rio Grande was quite 'full' and would crest about 2 am in the morning.  He did not think the flooding would be enough to reach the RVs.

Pleasant walk home.

The next morning we could see evidence where the Rio Grande had crested during the night.  Not too much, but interesting to see the change.

Tom started taking SLOOOOW shots.