Lockett Meadow had been discussed for several weeks as an ideal place to photograph the aspens' fall colors. Eight photographers gathered to cover the 'scene' and what a beautiful scene it was. Along the path winding its way to the Inner Basin there were big and small wonders. The weather was perfect, the sky was overcast due to an approaching storm and there was just enough wind to produce that familiar sound of aspens' rustling leaves. Not everyone made the full hike to the Inner Basin, but we sure enjoy the photos from those that did. Just a super duper day.
Grab a cup of something delicious . . . this is a long entry. My thanks to the photographers who each contributed to this post. You are making my mom's day!
Ann hiked to the top. Hiking gets easier on the road section!
An early Christmas wreath!
Ann meets up with the hiking club from Sedona. One member of the group told me they have 400 members and plan four active hikes a week. Yikes! They were moving along pretty quickly so I immediately recognized that there were probably no photographers in the group (my excuse for not joining such a fit group).
Taken from the car on our way down the mountain. Greg kindly pulled over, just a tad. The dirt road is not Prius friendly, very narrow and with no edge guard rails. Ah, but the view!
The image below captures my imagination. Doreen sent the following story with the image. "This is my favorite! I can visualize myself in that hammock. It’s so different to see that there! You could hear the leaves falling down from the trees just like the rain. Reminds me of when I lived back in Upstate NY when I was a little girl. We had 2 hammocks in the woods close to our house where we grew up."
A couple of people stayed on the mountain until almost dark. Most of us left mid-afternoon. It was well worth the drive and meeting up with special friends always makes an adventure such as this one memorable.